Wednesday, March 23, 2016

LAD #36: Truman Doctrine


Greece has appealed to the United States for economic and administrative support, and the US must supply that assistance. Turkey also requires our help. The US is the only country that these nations can turn to in their times of hardship and crisis.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

LAD #35: FDR's Executive Order #9066


Feb 19, 1942. The President gives the Secretary of War the authority to designate certain areas as military regions.

(This led to the Japanese internment camps of WWII, meant to restrict espionage among those who might be loyal to an enemy country based on their heritage.)


Thursday, March 10, 2016

LAD #34: FDR's Declaration of War


On December 7 of 1941, the American naval base in Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. The US had been diplomatic with Japan in ensuring peace in the Pacific. It was clear that this attack was deliberate and planned days or weeks in advance, meaning the Japanese had taken measures to deceive the US. The bombing caused severe damage to the naval base and many American lives were lost.


Saturday, March 5, 2016

LAD #33: FDR's First Inaugural


(1933) The American people face dark times. The greatest task is to put people to work, and this task must be met with the urgency of war time actions. There must be supervision of banking and provision for an adequate but sound currency. The first priority is to fix the American economy, but the US will be a good neighbor to other nations. The people have to be organized and disciplined in order to attack their common problems. The government that has been handed down to this generation can handle this unprecedented situation, but in case Congress fails to act the President will use his executive power to wage a war on emergency.


LAD #32: Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact


(1928) The treaty provides for a "frank renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy." "...Changes in [nations'] relations with one another should be sought only by pacific means"

(Kellogg was the Secretary of State, Briand was the French Minister for Foreign Affairs)
