What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?
The Revolution accompanied the spread of Enlightenment ideas to America. This included the idea that a stable democracy requires its people to be virtuous. It then falls in the hands of the mothers of America to educate their children to be good, virtuous citizens. "The solidity and stability of the liberties of your country rests with you; since Liberty is never sure, 'till Virtue reigns triumphant…" (Doc C)
The Revolution also allowed women to take part in public life through boycotts, petitions, and protests. This created a louder, more assertive class of women.
What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?
The standards of education for women were raised. Women were expected to be learned so they were capable of educating their children. They were more respected and valued as keepers of the nations conscience.
What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?
It was a step above the servitude pre-Revolution. It didn't introduce women to the public sphere but the ideology gave value to work in the domestic sphere.
Describe the setting.
A sofa, a plain background with the golden edge of a mirror or circular painting in the upper corner.
Who serves as the center of the portrait and why? How does the woman look? How is she "republican" rather than aristocratic?
The woman is the center of the portrait, because she is the center of home life. She appears content, and put-together. Her hair resembles the wigs of the aristocracy, but she doesn't wear jewelry and a she is wearing a simple, elegant, gray dress, typical of the time period.
What values do her sons exhibit?
They are postured and polite, but the portrait captures the restlessness of the son on the woman's lap. They appear to be content, well-behaved children.
Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham's arm?
She appears to be restraining or protecting her child. It represents the woman's role as an educator of good behavior, and it represents her responsibility to care for the children.
photos- https://sites.google.com/site/womenssrightss/republican-motherhood
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