Thursday, February 11, 2016

LAD #31: Wilson's Fourteen Points

Delivered to a joint session of Congress January 8, 1918

At this time, the Russia was trying to settle peace with the Central Powers at Brest-Litovsk. The Central Powers were unclear in their principles and their purposes so that process was difficult. In going forward, Wilson set his Fourteen Points to dictate how to go about settling peace at the end of the war.

1. Diplomacy must be entirely public
2. Freedom of navigation of the seas
3. Removal of economic barriers (tariffs) between nations to establish economic equality
4. Reduction of armaments to what is necessary for domestic safety
5. Impartial adjustment of colonial claims, giving the population equal say with the government whose title is being determined
6. Evacuation of Russian territory and settlement of questions in such a way that Russia can determine its political development and national policy
7. Belgium must be evacuated and restored
8. French territory must be freed and invaded portions restored, including Alsace and Lorraine
9. Readjustment of the frontiers of Italy based on nationality
10. Austria-Hungary given the freest opportunity to autonomous development
11. The relations between the Balkan states be determined by friendly counsel along historically established lines and insure the political and economic independence and territorial integrity of the states.
12. The Ottoman Empire be broken up according to the nationality of the population. The Dardanelles must be permanently open for all trade.
13. Establish an independent Polish state with access to the sea
14. A general association of nations to insure political independence and territorial integrity (League of Nations)

The alliance needs to stand together to secure a just and stable peace. It is not jealous of German greatness, and doesn't look to impair it or modify any German institutions. The principle that runs through this program is clear.


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